Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mostly pictures

WARNING: This next post will be pretty much all pictures, if you are one of those strange people who doesn't like a lot of pictures in blog posts, consider yourself forewarned!  ;D

A couple months ago my parents and I went on a camping trip up on the mountain that is right behind our house. It is gorgeous up there so naturally I took a ton of pictures, but because I have been busy and am a tad bit lazy I haven't gone through and found the good ones til now. :) So here are a couple of the good ones. I'll probably do some more posts with at least a couple more of these as well. 

This is one of my favorites, it looks so professional :)
I like this one too, pictures of mushrooms always have a nice whimsical feeling to them.
There were wild raspberries nearby where we were camping, so of course I took tons of pictures of them :D 
While we were up there an awesome storm came and fog rolled in, it looked so cool. Sadly I didn't get any good pictures of it, this one doesn't do it justice.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures :) I will hopefully be back with a normally written post in a little while.

~ Gavi ~

Friday, July 26, 2013

Something Greater

Lately I have been listening to a song, in which a particular part rouses a strange but beautiful feeling, it is almost a longing for something unknown. All of us get these feelings, they come in different forms, often the feeling will come when we hear a particular strain of music, or when we see something especially beautiful. Many people have noticed it before; L.M. Montgomery in her book Anne of Green Gables has Anne tell how sometimes she has a queer ache whenever she sees something especially beautiful. Sheldon Vanauken mentions the same thing in his book A Severe Mercy. In C.S Lewis' book Till we Have Faces the character Psyche mentions the feeling of longing that she has for something greater when she sees something beautiful, she says, "I have always—at least ever since I can remember—had a kind of longing for death(...) It was when I was happiest that I longed most. It was on happy days when we were there on the hills, the three of us, with the wind and sunshine(...) And because it was so beautiful it set me longing, always longing. Somewhere there else there must be more of it."
That longing for something greater is the longing for heaven. All of us have a longing for heaven, and we notice it when we see or hear little things that are especially beautiful, because it makes us think of Heaven.This longing that we have for heaven proves that heaven exists, and that man was made to enjoy it, but not everybody will enjoy it. Lewis says in The Weight of Glory "A man's physical hunger does not prove that man will get any bread; he may die of starvation on a raft in the Atlantic. but surely a man's hunger does prove that he comes of a race which repairs its body by eating and inhabits a world where eatable substances exist. In the same way, though I do not believe (I wish I did) that my desire for Paradise proves that I shall enjoy it, I think it a pretty good indication that such a thing exists and that some men will." (Sorry about the long quotes, for some reason all the really good quotes are a mile long :D) This feeling that we all have shows we were made for something greater.
Are you going to enjoy it?

P.S. As you know almost all of the pictures on this blog were taken by me, except these. I didn't take them, I just found them on the internet, just so you know:)


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hello again

Hey Ya'll Amazing Readers, I'm back!!
Sorry I have been neglecting my poor blog lately, I don't really have an excuse except for sheer laziness :)
So, what have I been doing in the nine months (Yikes!) that I have neglected my blog? Well several things, I was in an awesome class this past semester and the semester before that, called Inklings. It was a blast! Originally The Inklings were C.S Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien, J.K Chesterton, Charles Williams and some others. They would get together in a pub and discuss/argue over each other's books. So what we did in the class was we read their books, wrote papers on them, and discussed them in class, and it was so much fun! I am going to take the next class offered by the same people that teach Inklings, called Foundations of American thought, which I think will be pretty fun as well. :) This past semester my sister Weasles was home, since she had graduated from college the previous fall, It was very fun to have a sibling in the house again, but now I am excited for her since she is currently in France for a Year-long missions trip! Last week we went to Washington, unfortunately the reason we went was for my Grandpa's Memorial service, but it was still a fun trip, as I got to get to know some of my cousins and got to meet some new friends. :) In fact it was one of these new friends that made me think of my poor blog again and write a post for it, (Thanks Eva!) so you all should go check out her blog here to thank her. :) Lately I have been working on a quilt for home-ec, and that is very close to being done, I only need to add a couple of borders to the top, then sew the top to the bottom and it is done! After I finish the quilt, the next project in home-ec is a quillow, yesterday we went to the fabric store for batting for the quilt, and we got the fabrics for the quillow, they are really cute, so I am excited for that!

Random historical fact: on July 16 1790 - The District of Columbia, or Washington, DC, was established as the permanent seat of the United States Government

Verse of the Day: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." Romans 1:16 NIV

Its good to be back, hopefully the writing streak will last! :)

I'm Back!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

These are all pictures from our trip to FL last week.